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Hero Staff Application

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RP Name: Hero

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:191209672

Age: 16 about to be 17

Gender: Male

Time zone: US EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I'm tired of having to call in a ticket for when I need to whitelist a CC. I feel like it would be fun to help those by appearing out of nowhere. My goal is to be game maker at one point because I feel like I would have good Idea's due to the fact that I feel as though I'm creative and there's rarely events now a days or server goes down. I want to help the community this way and I feel like I would prove my self in a good way and be more known. There are so many reasons why I want to be admin on this great server that gets full almost every night which is where I would be able to help people when there's a lack of admins on sometimes. I love synergy and I'm willing to help it in anyway I could if It means being admin to do so then I will try to be.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 16 year old kid and my name is Dylan. I grew up loving sports and now I have a gmod phase where star wars rp is my everyday love/hobby. I play basketball so I will be on less in the winter but I will still try to be on whenever I'm home.

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