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Ty's CIS Intel (Part 2)


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Name: TRO MDI Crewman Ty

Event Name: Ty's CIS Intel (Part 2)

Summary of the story: Naval will call a few Engineers up to comms deck to decrypt the intel aquired in the event "CIS Intel (Part 1)". Once the Intel has been decrypted we will find out that the Intel contains the 1st phase of the CIS' plan to take down the republic. The 1st phase contains instructions on how to turn clones, animals, and bugs into zombies and the location of the lab where this takes place. Right when they discover this a CIS Spy will alert general grievous of our discovery and General Grievous will advert in "I see you republic scum have decrypted the 1st phase of our plan." Then he will advert in "I guess this is the perfect time to show off our new creations". A CIS ship will warp out of hyperspace and the Skygate will then be blown open and the Zombie Clones, Massifs, and Geonosians (bug zombies) will attack the ship causing a shit ton of mayhem.

What was the result of the event?: we killed all the zombies and god coordinates to the lab where the zombies are created

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: shoot em up

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