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Ty's CIS Intel (Part 1)


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Name: Ty

Event Name: CIS Intel (Part 1)

Summary of the story: 

*C3P0 and R2D2 warp out of hyperspace* C3P0 would then advert that he has R2D2 and a few 101st (disguised commandos) on board and that R2D2 has intel about the CIS and that they would like to board the ship.

-If people ask what the intel is specifically about C3P0 doesn't know.

-If people ask how R2D2 got the intel C3P0 will say that there is not enough time to explain because they might have been tailed.

Once R2D2, C3P0, and the 101st (disguised commandos) board the ship R2D2 and C3P0 will roleplay in the main hangar bay for about 1-2 minutes giving time for the 101st (disguised commandos) to spread out across the ship until an unknown CIS adverts in "we can not let them get away with our intel, destroy that droid at all costs. *Secure*". The Unknown CIS will warp out of hyperspace and begin bombing the skygate forcing it to open. Once the skygate is blown open the commandos will be flown in on a LAAT through the exploded skygate and commence their attack. C3P0 will suggest uploading the intel to the ship. <----- THIS PART IS CRUCIAL TO THE EVENT!!!!!

-If a 101st disguised commando is asked to remove his helmet he will say that it is not necessary and to stay on task. If they ask a 2nd time you will refuse again and if they ask a 3rd time you will open fire.

-The main goal of the commandos is to destroy R2D2 and take back the intel. (Side goal is to take down comms.)

-The main goal of the disguised commandos is to remain peaceful and unnoticed for as long as possible but go hostile if needed and stay on task.

-The main goal of R2D2 and C3P0 is to get the intel uploaded to the ship.

After about 4 commandos are killed General Grievous will reveal himself as "Unknown CIS" and advert "Stupid droids I will take matters into my own hands, send in the second wave."

"The Second Wave" is when all remaining disguised 101st Commandos will go hostile and take off their helmets. Grievous will also board the ship killing as many troopers as possible.

When General Grievous gets down to about 3000 health he will begin to find a creative way to escape the ship. Once Grievous escapes the ship he will advert a retreat to all remaining commandos on board. The commandos will retreat by boarding a LAAT placed in either hangar 1 or hangar 2. The LAAT will be piloted by one of the pilot trained commandos still alive.

What was the result of the event?: R2D2 uploaded the intel to the ship!

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: a mix of both but a bit more of a shoot em up!

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