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Baller's Deathwatch Disgraces


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Name: TRO CG 2ndLT Baller

Event Name: Deathwatch Disgraces

Summary of the story: A trando came onto the ship selling weapons, after a while, a few naval came and told him that he had a republic ship so they would need to take it. They bought it from him and then flew him off the ship, but not before the trando was able to place a tracker on the venator. Once on the planet, he had a meeting with the deathwatch, and after giving the location to them, he was executed. The deathwatch then got their men gathered up and sent in a full scale attack. They took down the engines, but finally they died off. The last few that were left, Soldier Borler and Captain Cam and his men, were contacted by the commander, and he proceeded to tell them that they were a disgrace and he demoted all of the Deathwatch on the ship and then left them to die. He then told the republic that his men were a disgrace and he would be back, with better men to take them down. He then told his pilot to engage the hyper drive, they did, and they were gone.

What was the result of the event?: The deathwatch now know the location of the venator by a hidden tracker placed on the ship.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Roleplay, 30 minutes of it was roleplay with the trando, and even the deathwatch had a lot of roleplay.

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