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Delta's Commander Application


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Steam Name: Shamoney

RP Name: Delta

Steam IDSTEAM_0:0:41495498

Battalion you are applying for: Coruscant Guard

Why should you become a Commander?:

I believe that I should become a commander due to my ability to actually attempt to hear what others say and take advice from the people inside of my battalion. There has been several commanders that I will not speak of that do take any feedback and does whatever he/she pleases. I am very lore-friendly. This means that I understand and adapt to any lore presented to me. If something must be changed due to it being unfun/unfair, I will be glad to change it. I have experience with being in an officer position, but never a Commander. I am brave enough and I believe that I am ready for a position like this. I am good at inspiring people with my beautiful speeches. I can make some great ass speeches from practically nothing which should be a trait in a good commander. I have a lot of knowledge in security whether it is on-ship or not. I know how to run and manage complete documents including rosters, training manuals, battalion rules, ext. And lastly, I am a very mature person when it comes into RP. I don't fuck around if it is time to RP, I find that very important in a higher-up position like commander. Overall, I feel as if I am ready for the task of Commander and I feel as if I am knowledgeable enough to endure the duties that come with it. 


What plans do you have for the battalion you are appling for?:

I plan on making advanced battalion documents for new recruits, I plan on making checkpoints and stations for the Coruscant Guard, I plan on increasing the amount of maturity needed to actually land a position as a Coruscant Guard, I am planning on using fair techniques to promote recruits and other members, and I plan on having a fun, but fair higher-up section of the Coruscant Guard. I overall plan on making the battalion one that is suited for RP and that is suited for enjoyment and fun. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your postion? Yes, I completely understand.


Thank you for this opportunity. This is my first time actually applying for a Commander position and I hope that the request was good enough :).

Edited by Delta
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9 minutes ago, Lean said:

-1 Delta I like you but the way I have seen you battalion hop would not make you a good commander and personally I don't feel like your ready to be commander maybe in a coup0le of months.

It seems like you were the wrong person I was talking about someone with the same name but I will still have to -1 you due to not seeing you active.

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