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Umnum Done

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I've given it my all in these past 2 months, but I guess I didn't have it in me. Too many times was I thrown to the side like I didn't matter. Being striped of jobs for being too inactive when on LOA. And some other stupid stuff along the way. I was there when the 212th was the largest and most powerful battalion on Synergy, but we fell. I witnessed the rise and fall of our numbers, the fights and stupid things that happened. But I've always just felt like a shadow. I put my life into this game for 2 months, to the point where I am failing half my classes because I was on too much. Then when I would go on LOA to catch up I would lose something. My home is the 212th, but sometimes, you need a break, and I need a big one. I have lost some of my IRL friends because they hated this game and would want to play other games with me. I need to leave. Thanks for the fun Synergy. I'll try to return in few months, see if things have improved.

Edited by Retr0
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