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Unkindled's Deathwatch Apprentice's

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Name: Unkindled

Who Helped: NA
Encounter Name: Deathwatch Apprentice's

Description of the Encounter: With the Anaxes Base continuing it's normal duties two Deathwatch Apprentices come across it hidden within the hills of Anaxes, Given the task of having to complete their final feats to officially become part of the Deathwatch will they persevere or fall victim to the Republic! How will the events under undergo at this base we are yet to find out! The Tasks the Deathwatch Apprentice's must complete must be something to be noticed by the Leaders of the Deathwatch. If they can't complete what is left for them, they may never become a true member...


Edited by Unkindled
Warmac didnt help
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Veteran Admin


decent encounter but not much happened after the main event

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