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Retr0's Staff Application


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RP Name: Retr0

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:124518410

Age: 15

Gender: M

Timezone: CT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Too many times have I seen someone get stuck in the roof, and the admins just tell them to /cc. It's the duty of an admin to help on that situation, and as staff, I hope to help there. The other reason is that I'm moving up in the ranks, and not doing anything other than being a trooper for your full career on the server can get pretty boring. But as I continue down my path, I want to make sure others can go down theirs. Also, I'm pretty active, like whenever I can play, I am playing. A while back I was at a point where I was almost leaving the server. But pushing through, I made it to where I am today.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 15 years old from Saskatchewan, Canada. I'm known for being that nerdy kid in class, I mean, it's true, considering I always play D&D and Warhammer (Which is where my RP comes from) . The Star Wars universe always amazed me, and I'm glad I can be a part of it in one way or another. I started playing games on my old HP computer, my first "game" was my parents booting up Microsoft Word and calling it the Word Game.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I have some admin experience as I've played on some pretty quiet servers who needed admins.

Edited by Retr0
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