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Limbo's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR RANCOR ARF PVT Limbo (as of 10/29/17)

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:19627786

Age: 15

Gender: M

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

Overall, through my experience on being on synergy role play I have learned a lot on how to act like a staff member/being mature, and I believe I have truly matured enough in the needs of the player's of the community.  Experience kind of drifts over into this one, as I try my best to use my experience an example of leadership is me trying to do what is right in any situation. By right, I mean being unbiased, professional, and being a helpful staff member to all community members that I come across. I want our staff team to be one of the friendliest and most helpful ever known to Garry's Mod servers. As I want to help ensure that our community stays connected between the common player and our staff members.

I do this as best as i can all the time while having some fun and been approachable and friendly but always having that seriousness ready to come out if needed. I have dealt with many situations in previous servers as a staff member with some unreasonable players but i have always kept my cool and handled each situation respectfully and fairly. This is because as a staff member you are representing the server so you want do not want to put a bad image in people's minds of the staff on this server as it will affect more than just me it will put a bad image on all the staffing team. Staff come to me all the time and no matter what i am doing i do my best to help them or guide them if that is what they need. When i am online i make sure that staff are getting all the help they need and i make sure i correct a staff member if they have done something wrong , I do not feel the need to shout or yell at people if they done something wrong that they were unsure about i talk to them calmly and make sure they know the correct way to do it next time as to me that is the best way to get through to someone. To other staff members i have done my best to become an approachable and friendly while always having that level of professionalism and and done my best to help them whenever they need it as i feel if someone is like this people will in a way talk to them more and will not be afraid to ask any questions or for help if needed. Not to call any other staff members out or cause drama, to me i feel like i have handled a lot of the issues on my own day in day out with little help but now since i have joined this server I want to move on and go for the next stage as i feel ready and wish to help the server/community even more than i can now as i feel i have filled the duties of DA to the best of my abilities and hope that this shows to the server.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well where should we start, I was born in Gelhaussen Germany(hopefully thats how you spell it xD) and moved to the states when i was 2-3 Years old. First went into video games when i was 8-9 years old and fell in love with it ever since. I first experienced gmod through my friends and played sandbox for the very first time, i knew that i had to go out and buy my own copy, and thats when SWRP first came to me. Other than my video game past some things ive done in real life is that i joined this group thats an auxiliary of the Air force called Civil Air Patrol, through there ive learned discipline, responsibility, and leadership, It has been a fun and entertaining experience to live up upon. All in all I hope this shares a little bit about my self and how i came upon gmod and shares a little bit about myself.

Do you have any previous staff experience?
IceFuse Medieval | TMOD | 
Cryptik NW | Community Manager | 
BonFire NW | Developer | 
Valence (before Change) | Super Admin | 
Owner for A SWRP Server |
BaW Gaming | Head Developer | 
SPD Gaming | Head Manager | 
FLG | Manager | 
Proximity Gaming | Head Administrator | 
ASG | Administrator |
Criptik NW (re-opening) | Modeler & Admin |

Edited by limbo
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