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Commander Report Rules

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Rules for commenting on a report

For those posting reports

  • You can comment to respond to a question.
  • You can comment if you have new evidence to support your report
  • All you cannot comment for any other reason without speaking to Director+
  • Any flaming or arguing will result in instant denial.

For those commenting on reports

  • You can comment to provide your feedback on a report
  • You can comment with new evidence you have found for the report
  • You can comment to ask someone to expand on their point or for clarification
  • You can post a meme along with legitimate feedback (Points 1-3)
  • Flaming or arguing that doesn't provide new information will result in punishment.

Any posts not relevant to the appeal or trying to circumvent the rules will result in it being hidden or have the potential to receive forum warning points.

If you have any questions please contact a Director+

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