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A CIS Ambush - SkiTz

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Name: SkiTz

Who helped (If applicable): Cyan

Summary of encounter: So after the Doom's unit was sent on patrol they were ambushed and surrounded by CIS forces and called for immediate Help. All battalions after hearing the plead for help came to their AID in a convoy of tx-130s and AT-TE's showing the true might of the Republic army. Soon to find out the Annexes world was completely under siege having both outpost under CIS control after many lives lost the outpost were taken back and the injured troopers returned to base the rest of the CIS invasion force hit the BASE head on damaging the Shield generator and pushing full force into the base. in the end the stationed troopers on base repelled the attack and won what could have been a major lose for the republic 

Link to encounter Document (optional): 

Edited by SkiTzz

Former: Doom's Unit Commander, Havoc Squad Brimstone

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