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Intel Thief


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Name: Intel Thief By Luci

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Summary of encounter: Droids took over outpost besh afterwhich the CIS forces sent a Fake distress call about besh being attacked so a commando droid disguised as a CT ENG/EOD MJR could sneak in and shut off the power, after this the power cam back on and the commando tried to upload Republic data but only uploaded 20% of it.

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8/10 Very good for it being just you running it and being only an admin. Some of the spawning could've been a bit better (specifically at Aurek) but it was overall good and you balanced playing 2-3 event jobs while also managing spawning as well. You also kept up with comms RP and other aspects that normally you would have someone else doing. Remember you can always call for helpers and there is usually someone willing to help.


Jedi Youngling

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1 hour ago, Blanca said:

8/10 Very good for it being just you running it and being only an admin. Some of the spawning could've been a bit better (specifically at Aurek) but it was overall good and you balanced playing 2-3 event jobs while also managing spawning as well. You also kept up with comms RP and other aspects that normally you would have someone else doing. Remember you can always call for helpers and there is usually someone willing to help.


1 hour ago, xander said:

8/10 good encounter for it being solo

Thanks guys, Yea i agree i could've done the spawning better <3

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