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The Test of AlphaKala1253


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Name: Frank

Who helped (If applicable): Gaster

Summary of encounter: 

A team of scientists came to test there new Infection named AlphaKala1253 Test 29 the started with the water then moved to an outpost where they set-up there with there supplies. The Outpost Alarm then goes off where the Republic come to the outpost one of the scientists work with the republic to make the cure and one of them runs away and gets Captured they take the scientist to the Base to work on the cure where they end-up making the cure and fixing the water and the air

( What the Infection did to the Clones?) 
Made them feel Dizzy then after 5 minutes or so they will pass out and then after another 5 minutes they will wake up and won't be able to walk properly this is because the Virus was making them have no power in there body.



Current: Jedi Knight

Former: DU Captain x2 | Meena Tills | Mas Amedda

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