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Darrxx Data Download

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Summary of Encounter: A Commando goes to the BCC as CG starts a Data download while the CIS attacks the base for a diversion. Then  2 commandos disguised as CG go near BCC and start to act like CG. Then Admiral Trench attacked the base as a diversion. Finally when the Data download finished a Commando disguised as DU turned off SH and GR was attacked by droids. Finally the admiral attacked BCC using drill pods and the commandos disguised as CG started helping the CG kill the B2s :( After it was done the commandos went to the Obersavtion deck and a pod was sent to penetrate said observation deck. The commandos got inside and were pulled out. Then the Admiral 

bombared CY and after the  bombardment was over the CIS officially pulled out of the System. 




Helpers: Keo, Salxas, Zyner, Chill, Ryann

Edited by Darrxxs
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