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The Miner

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Name: Wren

Who helped: Conradius , Macerick , Glanos

Summary of the Encounter: A clone adivsor was tasked with mining Ancient Artifacts as well as rare minerals he hired a republic miner to help him they set their operation up but they were missing security so they came into contact with Felucia base and asked for security to come secure the sector once arrived they met the advisor and the miner little did anyone know the miner stole a sith artifact in his house the republic found out becaus they found a diary of in his bed side table, It said that he stole something that’s valuaable in a outpost near the miners house they went there and found a sith artiffact suddenly the ground shaked and massive rocks rise from the ground and then the creatures attacked the troops they were outnumbered lucky they survived and took the miner in for questioning and sent him on a laat back to coruscant for trial.


Edited by jwmain

Aye I'm in 212th!

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