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Roeger Roeger


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Name: Fido/Niner

Event Name: Roeger Roeger

Summary of the story: 2 defective friendly B1's come to the venator to walk around scavanging for money to buy a ship because they were kicked out of the CIS because in their programming Roger ROger was spelled incorrectly as ROeger ROeger so they were removed from the CIS and so they walked around and one of them sat on a console and broke it sending a destress signal to nearby ships by short circuits and the CIS was close enough nearby and came and shot up the ship... as nightmare would say they went GANG Gang

What was the result of the event?: ummm CIS attacked the ship but fled because the Republic had supperior Air support ( i gave pilots headhunters)

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: a little of both more of the Shooting part

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