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Holo - Felucia Awakens


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Name: Holo

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: Felucia, Awakens

Summary of the story: A demi god of the force awakens due to a overlooming dark presence in the force. And asteroids begin falling from orbit. Carrying the gods subjects, the demi god being a literal representation of felucia as a planet. Even calling himself as such, He spoke with the jedi stating that he was near unkillable in his mortal form but it was do-able. asking to speak away from the clones, and to look into this dark shadow over the galaxy, Once the asteroids hit the base if they were disturbed, more zombies came out. If they were left alone, None spawned Explosions didnt work and it was clearly a miracle of the force that they were able to spawn as many zombies as they did

What was the result of the event?: The demi god returned to being dormant after the jedi swore they would look into it

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Edited by Holo

Autism made me do it.

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10/10, Love the event especially what you did with the fog!

  • Friendly 1

Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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2 minutes ago, PappaDunc said:

10/10 I always love RP oriented events, ppl might say that this RP wasnt meant for clones but woeny is a shining example of why they're wrong.

Honestly i could'nt agree more. the entire event was in refrence to order 66 and it would've been amazing to see clones step up and state "Hey i love my jedi!" just only 2 weeks later to see how wrong they really are

Autism made me do it.

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