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Conradius' | Appo's CIS Encounter

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Name: Conradius | Appo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106195145

Who helped: DJ STEAM_0:1:460516753 | Odric STEAM_0:1:184615368 | Jonah STEAM_0:1:102589659

What happened: The Confederacy stationed a stronghold in the Planet of Ilum. Upon the completion of building the stronghold the CIS managed to capture and take captive of  a Jedi that was roaming the Planet. High Command heard reports of the stronghold and then proceeded to task the Republic Forces of the Felucia Base to eliminate all hostile targets in the Planet of Illum. Upon the arrival of the clones to the last tent they were greeted by a Commando Droid and a Tactical Droid who attempted to negotiate for their freedom in exchange for the Jedi. However, (OOC) my droids apparently were set to a much higher health instead of 300 I do not really know what happened so I quickly tried deleting all of the droids and replacing them with new ones. Another thing was my Event Job was using a Permanent Weapon and at the beginning of the encounter I tried to clarify that Permanent Weapons and all that is not allowed but they might not have heard it or a miscommunication happened. However, I will not make any excuses and take all criticisms into account. 


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