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Conradius | Appo Encounter

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Name: Conradius | Appo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106195145

Who helped: Dogma STEAM_0:1:299737637 | Tarvos/Centri STEAM_0:43467104 | Levi STEAM_0:1:149324474 | Eagle STEAM_0:87780379 | Eagle

Summary of Encounter: A group of Dark Force Siblings attacked the base seeking for revenge and wrath. They plan on killing all organic life forms on the base especially the clones and Jedi. 


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2 minutes ago, Snadvich said:

3/10 Honestly, this just felt like an excuse to roll up and use the fancy abilities on the Sith Sabers. There may have been a story but that was overshadowing by the Running Sith for 20 minutes as they kill Clones.

Appreciate the Feedback. However, my Event Jobs were greatly outnumbered by the amount of Jedi online and all the weapons the clones have in their arsenal. Also, please correct me if I'm wrong but my Event Jobs only used the basic abilities such as the Force Leap and Deflect. Nonetheless, appreciate your feedback.

1 minute ago, Tarvos said:

4/4 It was a interesting event, some sith and some zombies. People need to stop using the damn Pay to win shotguns on event jobs. It ruins the entire experience for them.

Hey, appreciate the feedback but the rating is now 0-10.


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