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Coil's - Missing LAAT


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Name: TCO Warrant Officer Appo | Coil

Who helped (If applicable): Otter, Camm, Marshh, Dj, and Wolfro

Event Name: Missing LAAT

Summary of the story: A LAAT with Senate Commando's was transporting two very well know bounty hunters to Coruscant to be put on trial for their crimes against the Grand Army of the Republic, on there way to Coruscant the bounty hunters, being Embo and Cad Bane, took over the LAAT leading to it disappearing over the Outer Rim. A squad of Senate Commandos was dispatched to Felucia to gather forces to raid Tatooine as CIS forces were reinforcing the planet trying to get the bounty hunters away from the grip of the republic as they placed the hit on the High Command of Naval, IE Yularen and Tarkin. The bounty hunters ended up being captured and interrogated and where they were then transported to Coruscant to await trial.

What was the result of the event?: They bounty hunters were captured and sent back to Coruscant for there crimes against the Grand Army of the Republic

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up, with Interrogation's at the end


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

FormerTorrent Company Commander Kano/Fives, WO Appo | FormerWO Mortar, Lieutenant Dash-29

Former: GCO WO Waxer

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3/5 The only reason i'm rating the event this low is that I was stuck at the BCC guarding and nothing happened the entire time. But the rating is more for me guessing that others enjoyed the event which is nice.

Current Hunter, Former Techx2, Former AvenFormer Foxtrot, Former Eeth Koth


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Head Admin

Overall: [4/4] - [Look over other sections]

Story: [4/4] - [Well thought out with backstory and everything. Made a lot of sense putting everything together in IR, the Senate Commando story & the general flow]

Execution: [4/4] - [It was very well done, however, if you had an SA+ with you it would've been even more amazing with cover, maybe smaller objectives etc.]

Game Mechanics: [4/4] - [Don't have any complaints on this]

If this was your first event, it was really nice. The only experience that ruined it for me were some players (clones) during this event, but that is not on you. I wrote this on the thought of just the event, not the players.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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