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Anderson - The Mysterious Child


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Who helped (If applicable): 

Zynth, Elijah, Thedween, Speedbird and Appi

Event Name: 

The Mysterious Child

Summary of the story: 

The Jedi Feel a strong force pressence to the East of the Fort. Suprisingly a group of Refugees from the War have made camp. They carry a lot of scrap, junk and some strange Artefacts from a 
time by gone. 
Fleeing the war they see both the C.I.S and the G.A.R as bad aseach other. The village Elder, old and very wise, has led hispeople away from the war. They are loyal to man not because he is some sort of Tyrannical leader, but because of his compassion. Unknowing of the Jedi the Child of the camp is strong with the Force. So Strong in fact he can't fully control it. Using powers outof his comprehension. The Father, angry with the War, refuses tolet his child to be taken by the Jedi. The Bartender of the Village, slimy as a Snake, will do anything for Credits. Lucky for some he hates the Father and his Brat. He Wishes them gone from the Camp or worse. The Mechanic does not care for drama and doesn't wish to see anyone
hurt. Yet, he does not agree the Jedi. Seeing how they should've stayed neutral in the war. 

The Jedi and the G.A.R decided to...

After Investigating the Village the Jedi uncovered a Holocron containing memories of a long lost Female Jedi. These memories included the Father and the Child, confirming the child was that of the Female Jedi's. The Jedi decided to use a Jedi Mind Trick to tick the Father to bring the Child to the Jedi Temple. After Resisting the Mind Trick with the assistance of his Son, they ran. The Father pulled a Blaster to protect his Son. The Jedi initiated some Negotiations with the Father. Yet, due to the Jedi's arrogance the Father kept the Child as they fled with their fellow peers with the Help of Bounty Hunters to Mandalore. Whether or not the Father upholds his end of the bargain with Jedi Master Azrael remains unknown.


What was the result of the event?:

The Jedi failed to convince the Father to give up his Son. The Refugees and their camp wandered off, hating the Republic a little more. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 

Completely Roleplay Oriented


 Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

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GM Leadership

Overall: 4/4
Story: 4/4
Execution: 4/4
Game Mechanics: 3/4
Reason: The Story was more or less mostly player driven so hince the 3/4 Game Mechanics. However it was a great story and allowed a difference of ideals. I hope for a part two.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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