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Baller's CIS Attack


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Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen

Event Name: CIS Attack

Summary of the story: A Commando droid killed a 101st while he was on his mission off of the venator and stole his armor. That Commando droid found the previous flight records of the LAAT that he stole and went to this venator.  Upon arrival he slipped into comms deck and made a transmission to the CIS to bring in the fleet. The CIS fleet arrived and began their assault on the ship. They sent in bombers, Droids, etc and attacked MHB but were stopped before they could move to the rest of the ship. The CIS used a lot of forces but they were soon depleted. The CIS were forced to retreat and enter hyperspace to get away.

What was the result of the event?: The CIS lost a lot of forces attacking us and found out that Admiral Yularen is on this venator.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up (there were 10 people on the server so it was more something for them to do)

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