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Scribbles - The Return of the Beast 1

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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: The Return of the Beast 1 

Summary of the story: A planet, a call for help was heard, the republic taking the call to action as they were to help them on the other side of the galaxy so they made the jump to hyperspace. upon arrived to what was supposed to be a planet, wreckages....asteroids....remnants of a planet, cries for help snuffed out by...something. What could it be? The republic investigated, and found a plethora of dead bodies, body parts, and tech they salvaged. Upon checkingthe tech they were marked by something, a weird fungus that ate through tech and boiled the wiring. Nearby asteroids and remnants of the planet became engulfed in the stuff and attached itself to the ship. This is where the fun begins, upon finding the leeches attached to the ship they were breifly cut off and attempted to escape, no go. others latched on. They breached the ship and began their spreading.

What was the result of the event?: Later into the attack it turns out the creature liked bacta, but before figuring anything else out the republic used a large scale EMP to breifly loosen the beasts hold, and escaped. Only for the beast to run rampant.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup, Roleplay.


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

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Overall: [4/4] - [Had lots of actin even including DU]

Story: [3/4] - [Did not under stand it to much]

Execution: [4/4] - [everything looked all planed out and work the way even in HMC]

Game Mechanics: [3/4] - [Head crabs with lots of health are not so serious to kill]

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Overall: [4/4] - [Bruh This man is like on Fire for events RN]

Story: [4/4] - [Verry Unique spin to zombie event]

Execution: [4/4] - [had us destroying zombie tubes and defend high key areas]

Game Mechanics: [3/4] - [the lag and updated bugs is terrifying]

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