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Fido's Late Night Event Series


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These are required for all events excluding events shorter than 15 minutes,especially if it is just a setup event for another event.


Name: Fido/Niner

Event Name: Fuck idk... its just a random late night event

Summary of the story: A Friendly B1 Battle Droid stumbled its way onto the Venator and Befriended itself with the clones until they took it into a sim and a Clone had his weapon on Kill and not stun in there and killed the droid sendind a distress beacon for the CIS (which was dormant and hidden from even the commando's) and from there it was a LONG CIS Attack with space battles Kamikazie's and everything...

What was the result of the event?: idk the CIS got tired of attacking them and Left they felt they did enough damage

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: well both but more Shooting

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