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Scribbles - Alien Resurgence


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: Alien Resurgence

Summary of the story: A republic holo news station had got a sudden forecast of meteor showers that seemed to oddly veer towards republic equipment. It crashed into a troopers ship.and infected them. Resulting in them transforming Into abominations. The weird creatures surrounded the listening post in webbing overlayed by a generator. However upon entering there were...many rocks. What seemed like meteors. However they turned out to be eggs when they took them back to a warm, safe base. 

What was the result of the event?: The republic destroyed the eggs slowly and uncarefully.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shootemup


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

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