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Punda's Newt


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Name: Punda

Event Name: Newt Capture

Summary of the story: CIS droids along with Grievous, and Dooku went to the Venator/Temple to capture Jedi Commander Newt, who had valuable intel on him involving the CIS. The CIS stopped Newt before he uploaded the data, eventually Newt was unable to fight off Dooku and Grievous, so he was captured.

What was the result of the event?: Newt was captured by Grievous and Dooku

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Tiny bit of RP, but mainly shoot em up


Newt wanted me to do an event where his trandoshan jedi got captured so he can do a "transition" to ki adi mundi, so this is what this was

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