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Newt Pod Chasing

Noto Roboto

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Name: Newt II

Who helped (If applicable): Porgs, Alaska, Jigsaw

Event Name: Newts Pod Chasing

Summary of the story: A Child of a Unknown Race (Im just Saiyan) named Goohan was being chased by 2 sith Appan and Ategev. The reason why is unknown. The Child crashed into the base before the 2 followed him. The child's pod was destroyed in the impact and then was followed by 2 pods of the Sith. The Sith lead a diversion at Granite to distract some troops away. 

What was the result of the event?: Sith Destroyed Goohan was return to his planet

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Little RP more of a Shoot em up

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