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Unkindled DeathWatch and Admiral Troubles


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Name: Unkindled


Who Helped: Newt and KnightVR

Summary: With several Secure communications taking place from an Unknown leader (Darth Maul), Death Watch will land in the local area to scavenge for resources and pillage the local bases. The ship has  a DeathWatch Heavy covering the entrance and another relaying messages on the interior. Several other DeathWatch are going to the local areas either stealing information, taking supplies, or killing any passing clones. While the DeathWatch are in the bases the silent alarm will activate alerting the BaseOps to check out either Slate or Granite to see what is happening there. Doing so the BaseOps will send out several clones to investigate the problem if the DeathWatch has not been discovered yet. If the DeathWatch are being outnumbered the ones pillaging the bases will retreat to the crystal caves where several detonators have been hidden as an emergency plan to escape any followers. From here on out the DeathWatch within the caves will battle it out in the caves with the entrance blocked which needs to be opened by someone EOD. At the ship The two there will defend the ship doing whatever they can to defend the ship. In the caves if all clones are killed the DeathWatch will attempt to escape after the Rocks are destroyed. At the Ship if all clones are killed surrounding the ship the ship will attempt to wait for several minutes before leaving. If they are killed in the ship they will see Darth Maul on the Holo Table giving orders where Darth Maul will insult them and say its a trap all along destroying the ship with whoever was inside.

Result: Vice Admiral Kidnapped, a lot of people died, DeathWatch obtained Credits and Resource Caches.

Shoot em up oriented.

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