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The gass power plant


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Who helped (If applicable):Pancakes, Atin (Game helper) they rest didnt put down their name

Event Name:The gass power plant

Summary of the story: CIS has a power plant in crystal caves which they use the crystal to power up a powerful gass machin that can kill nearly every organic thing,when the troopers find out about about this the CIS press the power up button on the machin which will last 15m untill the machin  can be used. During this time down the players can use ether TECH or EOD to destroy the machin, When it gets actived and the gass kills most of the players. the CIS notices that the republic wasnt ready at this and used this time to attack the abase they attacked BCC and CY. Thery also set up a bomb on Palps office quickly all the drop pods and the ships and the machin got destroyed after that.

What was the result of the event?:^

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot them up and little RP

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  • Director

Event characters had to much hp and it was all a bit messy things happening all over the place 4/10



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