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Who helped (If applicable):The Following

Event Name:Jackson, GH soccer, Clorox

Summary of the story:

An escape pod falls out of the sky with some "civies" in it, they all have a look of horror and warn that someone is up to get them. (most likely at this point they'll either get brought to the brig or med bay) After a while a report of slate and granite is gonna come by saying that there getting attacked (this will be done my a VIP being stationed in granite and slate or some GH named "/name slate AI or slate emergency signal.")Aafter a minute or 2 a squad of troopers well be sent their and when they get there they'll to see 2 freighters up above the sky sending drop pods and bombard the place, shortly after the fighters well move a pon the base and cause chaos their the base. The freighters will more drop pods to the base more exactly CY and BCC as there are so many droids and it seems like they are being sent instructions in case something goes off-plan.

HMC will get overran and gens well get shut off when all fails and everything gets overran and Defcon 1 will be called. while this is happing commandos droids in a suit of CT will be despatch to the brig and they'll try to kill the civies. now that's the worst scenario what can happen is that they'll attack and destroy one of the freighters and cause some of the droids to shut down, they'll then understand that the droids won't stop coming unless they destroy the hive mind which would be the main ships, while this is happing some B2 and B1 will be sent to crystals cave for the sake of getting some kyper crystals. Now the civies most likely during be sent to the integration room and the troopers will try to find out why CIS would be sent out their most powerful and advanced droids to take out some civies. After some time the troopers well find out that these people were part of the high command of CIS and know basically every location of the CIS droids factories this now during this time if the players push harder for info they'll find out that all the droid work on the same frequency and if they'll send the opposite of the same frequency they could jam the signal and shut down the whole army but this path is only to be unlocked if the players choice to push the civies harder. Right the VIP jobs needed a B1 Commander and a B2 commander that would be leading the attack on the base, as well as a commando droid that will have a clone armour and will sneak up on the brig wherefrom their hell try to capture them. most likely 2 GH would be quite nice with the droids spawning and taking care of some RP of it

What was the result of the event?:Eh some what off script but mostly with tha plans

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:RP and Shoot them up

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6/10 Not the best but not the worst



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0/10 and here's why

1. No direct storyline and it was all over the place

2. Droids where placed above HP and given perfect accuracy 

3. you had to many things going on at once

4. Nothing of what was going on made sense together

Overall just a bad event idea with poor execution and planning. It could have been put together and done alot better with better permissions to do DF1 considering a frigate went into BCC backwards.  

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin
3 minutes ago, Dennis said:

0/10 and here's why

1. No direct storyline and it was all over the place

2. Droids where placed above HP and given perfect accuracy 

3. you had to many things going on at once

4. Nothing of what was going on made sense together

Overall just a bad event idea with poor execution and planning. It could have been put together and done alot better with better permissions to do DF1 considering a frigate went into BCC backwards.  

I am too lazy to write but this about sums it up. I'll give you a 1/10 for the effort of making an event.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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