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Thunder's Gungan Event


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Name: Thunder

Event Name: Gungan Craziness

Summary of the story: After having a stupid gungan pilot crash the 2 representatives into the Jedi Temple, the gungans went onto the ship to talk to the naval about what happened. They pressed a couple buttons, and then everything just went down. The lights went out (sorta) and the gungans got scared and went to hide. They found them and took them to the IR, where they were questioned. The CIS forces then tracked down the Gungans because they apparently had some Republic information, so the clones took the gungans to the IR. Finally, we went into DB and we got sent back to Coruscant.

What was the result of the event?: The gungans were safe and got sent back to coruscant.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Roleplay and shoot em up

Zuko Fanboy



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