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Shark out of Water: Ignis's first event


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Name: Ignis (Omega Two-Two "Atin")

Who helped (If applicable): Blur (GM Shadow)

Event Name: Shark out of Water

Summary of the story: A Karkarodon assassin, disguised as a diplomat but hired by Dooku, flew into the Venator airspace and hailed the ship. His mission was to initiate a peace talk to get the senator alone, where he would activate a locator beacon calling a band of hired trandoshan pirates to attack the ship. When the Senator and him alone, he activates a locator beacon, calling his band of pirates to attack the Venator and create a distraction for him.

What was the result of the event?: While the Diplomat did successfully take the senator hostage, he was promptly taken out by a lightsaber rifle. The pirates did also successfully breach the ship, but they were taken out by the clones stationed aboard the ship. The senator made it out unharmed and a little shaken.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A bit of both



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