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Slave Runaway


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Name: Deathtiger

Who helped (If applicable): Tonyyy, Ghost 

Event Name: Slave Runaway

Summary of the story: A Slave Owner when to the village cave to start mining with two of his slaves. The slaves are here to mine for the master and if they fall out of line they could be killed. The two slave have made a plain to escape the slave owner and they make a run for it. They are going to try to get inside the base before the slave owner finds and bring them back to his base. If the clones allow them in they will take care of them and save their lives but if they say go away the slave owner will get his slaves and take them back to the main slave base in a different planet

What was the result of the event?: they took the slaves into the base and to mess hall to get food, The slave owner when back to his base took his personal items and started to walk to his ship. Somebody removed the fusion coils from his ship so he started to repair it. The Slaves took the clones to the cave to show off the rocks they mined up. The slave owner tried to fly but was shot down then was took to the Brig. the ore was took by the clones. The Slave Owners clan call some CIS but gets killed. The two slaves got named and lived there.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: role play 




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