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Citizens and Cartel


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Name: Deathtiger

Who helped (If applicable): Tetra, Heart, Raids, Stag

Event Name: Citizens and Cartel

Summary of the story: Citizens put spices in the village cave for the cartel to pick up. The citizens have been payed so they are looking to make more profit so they go to the base and tell the clones about this only for some money. If the clones pay them for info they tell and then leave the in a ship and let the clones catch the cartel. If the clone does not accept the offer they will get made and leave then comeback and said the cartel shot at them and they need killed. The clones will have to make the choice to investigate it or decline the citizens.

What was the result of the event.?: the citizens when to base and made contact with clones. They took them in base to brig and interrogate them they gave the info then one of them got payed the other was beat with a chair and knocked out then h is body was looted. he Cartel was caught and started to eat the spices then ran into a house with there spices. the cartel then opened fire on the clones and ran back to their ship and took off but before they could escape they was shoot down and died in the crash. one of the citizens got out with the money and the other was beat to death with a chair.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A little bit of both.




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9/10. Those guys gave me fake credits, so my family ended up getting chased around by the Hutt Cartel. We couldn't afford a home with protection, so we spent our times in the street. My wife and my two children ended up starving to death, along with myself.

Edited by Tetra

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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