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Drill Attack


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Name:Elijah | Tyennoch 

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: Drill Attack

Summary of the story: The CIS launched an attack on the base will drilling pods and droidekas. Once the shield went down for maintenance. They jumped in with 2 Frigates equipped with drilling pods and launched attacks throughout the Base. Once the attack failed as a last ditch effort to get anything accomplished, the Commander deployed a jedi hunter to try to kill a Jedi.

What was the result of the event?: Droid attack killed and pushed back.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  Shoot ‘em up



Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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