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Matt-Cad Banes Master Plan


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Name: Matt

Who helped (If applicable): Deathtiger, Carvis

Event Name: Cad Banes Master Plan

Summary of the story:  A pod crashed carrying a infected prisoner. He was scanned and it was noticed that he had a head crab in him. Mean while Cad Bane planted a infections bomb in HMC causing a mass infection across base giving the base only 5 minutes to turn on HMC to stop the infection from taking the entire base.

What was the result of the event?: The engineers fixed HMC in the nic of time causing the base to be saved

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up


Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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