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Sawbone Frozen Tomb


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Name: Sawbone 

Who helped (If applicable): None

Event Name: Frozen Tomb 

Summary of the story: The 21st and 41st were sent to a old republic base to  keep it garrisoned while a clone detachment was coming from kamino to take over. The troops had to keep men on the base while also keeping people at the two outpost. while they settle into their new temporary a watch full eye seems to be spying on them, as it seems the Crimson Ghost have decided to strike at these republic troops who are stuck on this planet till the troops from kamino arrive. Will they endure the coming battle !?

What was the result of the event?: The event ended with the troopers finding out the crimson ghost are targeting troopers of the republic. The troops then destroyed the CIS ships the CG had payed to get.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive at the start then a full on defensive siege against the crimson Ghost.

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