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Wookie Hunters


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Name: Deathtiger

Who helped (If applicable): Neptune Shadowed me, Kaput, Chaos, Spaghet, Mute, Clutch, Kaput

Event Name: Wookie Hunters 

Summary of the story: There is 2 Wookie's on the run from Tandoshan Fur Hunters who are trying to kill and sell there fur and meat at a market. The Wookie's have been on the run for several days and have come to the base seeking medical help, food and safety from the Trandoshan Fur Hunters. The Trandoshans are going to try to bargain wit the clone in hopes that they will trade the Wookie for cash and CIS information.

What was the result of the event?: The Wookies was saved and returned home, the Trandoshans was killed after being rejected.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: a little bit of both


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