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The Syndicate's Smuggling Operation foiled


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Name: Anderson

Who helped (If applicable): Piff [GH], Niro, Elijah, Ugo, Nightfall

Event Name: The Syndicate's Smuggling Operation foiled

Summary of the story:

Within the local village on Anaxes hid two enforcers / Operatives for a new crime organisation called simply "The Syndicate". Based on Coruscant, The Syndicate wanted to expand their operations to the Outer Rim and made a deal with the Hutt Cartel.

The Syndicate used Anaxes as a stage point to transfer their illegal goods out of Coruscant to the Outer rim. A bar worker known as "Dexter" opened a bar in the Anaxes Village. Once opened the Bar worker advertised his business to the Republic in hopes of making money off the soldiers stationed there.  This annoyed the Syndicate's operators as they and the good they were protecting were threatened. 

In an attempt to retrieve a lost item, the syndicate operators attempted to trick the Republic forces into closing down the bar. They failed. Instead they were force to initiate their security protocols which activated some "hidden" Reprogrammed Commando Droids. A fight ensued and the Republic were victorious. Claiming the life of one of the Syndicate operators and imprisoning the other.

What was the result of the event?: The Republic secured the stash of illegal items and gained some new intel on this new crime organisation. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Bit of both.

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