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Synyster - The Foggy Curse


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Name: Synyster

Who helped (If applicable): Rick, Hades, Oddball, Shiz

Event Name: The Foggy Curse

Summary of the story: A group of 87th Sentinel Corps were recently in a battle on Dathomir over a crate. The CIS, GAR and some pirates were fighting over it, but the GAR got their hands on it first. They didn't know what kind of hell they'd unleash after they did.... They were chased and eventually shot down over Anaxes base, to which a all troopers eventually succumped to their wounds. The crate on board was taken to the base for further inspection, as they couldnt open it normally. After a jedi opened it, it revealed an artifact... after this artifact was fondled with by a base ops it became angry, causing spirits of beasts to appear. After a while a black, dense fog appeared and everyones greatest fears appeared before their eyes, including spirits of Grievous, Dooku, High ancient sith, etc.. After a long and hard fight between the GAR and these spirits, they figured out it'd be a good idea to take the artifact off planet. 

What was the result of the event?: Jedi took the artifact off planet, causing the fog to lift and entities to dissipate.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Edited by Synyster

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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