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Truffle - Project XN-456


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Name: Truffle

Who helped (If applicable): Rick (shadow) Hades (helper) Jesse Taco

Event Name:Project XN-456

Summary of the story: A scientific research group from a republic system has decided to showcase a protocol droid the group believes could assist the republic in any future endeavors, this droid which they dub XN-456 is potentially fatal to the CIS because it was programmed with “borrowed” cis 456 computing architecture, so it can easily bypass many of the CIS’s protocol and similar, in theory. However the CIS caught wind of this groups plan, and in order to prevent it from being recovered sent a small band of commando droids to take down the ship before the droid could be given to the republic.

What was the result of the event?: The commandos were killed, but the republic also emped the droid, a technical victory for the republic, but the droid could have been beneficial in the future.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup with some RP



Edited by OkamiHybrid
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