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Baller's Umbaran attack


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Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen/Baller

Event Name: Umbaran Data Attack

Summary of the story: R2-D2 and C3PO were at a refueling station for their ship, when they spotted some umbarans also refueling there, they went over the umbaran ship and were able to obtain some data from the ship and the memory chip on it. R2-D2 and C3PO quickly left the planet and went straight to the nearest venator to report the data. R2-D2 put all the data onto a console in comms deck so that the naval could see it. Before they got to comms deck, the umbarans found them because of a tracker they put on the ship they flew here in and invaded. The blew open the hangar and began the assault. They tried to move to get R2 but were unsuccessful in getting R2 before the data was put onto the computer. The umbarans gave a good fight but their forces were depleted so they had to retreat with no data back to their home base and be punished for them losing the data.

What was the result of the event?: The republic now has data pertaining to the umbarans that might help in a further assault on the umbarans or to help defend from the umbarans.

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up (lots of RP though) Because the entire first section was just RP but the last section was a shoot em up.

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