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Blood Moon mercenary's


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable): Harte

Event Name: Blood Moon mercenary's

Summary of the story: An unknown Mercenary Group of enemy's called BloodMoon take over the two outposts and village in order to scavenge supply's.  Another thing they are there for is Coaxium, in order to steal the Coaxium from the base they use a drilling method that uses drill insertion tubes to get into the base, but this method has one flaw, if an enemy has the bravery and can make it through the tubes although it is very difficult to do so but if  they make it they can infiltrate the ship or vehicle this way.  The blood Moon also planned to steal supply's from the mess hall using this method.  The Blood Moon commander leading the operation was there to keep the ship from getting infiltrated and to safely steal the supply's which is a failure in the end.

What was the result of the event?:  The republic won the day.  They captured the Blood Moon commander and pushed through enemy forces in order to destroy the ship which was successful.  They successfully exterminated remaining forces at the outposts after supply's were retrieved and brought to the enemy ship.  The enemy forces successfully stole the supply's they needed including armory supply's, bed supply's, medical supply's, food supply's, and Coaxium.  In the end the supply's were destroyed when the ship blew up.  The commander was being transported but the Blood Moon Made an attempt to save the Commander which was ultimately a fail which resulted in the commander dieing.


Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  Both



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