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Scribbles - Frozen search


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): Hadeles

Event Name: Frozen Search

Summary of the story: A scientific research division Acclemator known as the Revenant had crashed upon a glacier planet. The Katarn commandos were given a top priority mission. They were to discover any lost data and recover any scientists that may be alive, but along their journey their jetpacks and bacta kits stopped working. It was now their duty to complete this mission.

What was the result of the event?:  The republic completed their mission and succeeded on their findings. However the scientific division was killed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shootemup, roleplay discovery

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I actually recollect that I did come late to the deployement therefor I missed the whole briefing so I must of missed some few key points there that I was explained by other people, and that of course is not your fault. I will be changed it to a 7/10, it was fairly good, thank you once again!

52 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

Could you potentially explain how you were confused so I may respond


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