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Punda's Sith Cult (Part 4)


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Name: Punda

Event Name: The Sith Cult (Part 4)

Summary of the story: Jedi found sith cult leaders location, tracked him to a sith temple, jedi went there got ambushed by sith assassins, turns out the entire thing was a diversion for the Leader to get to the Temple with no Jedi stopping him. Sith leader eventually escaped, the jedi will track him down.

(1 more part left boyos)

What was the result of the event?: Sith Cult Leader escaped

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both

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I stood up until 1am on a school night to play on this event. Do I regret it? Nah.

I helped punda by taking one of the main/higher roleplay positions for the event job as 'Sith Cult Lord Jagghar', reciting the sith code in the ancient sith language while cutting down jedi. The temple dupe created for this was astounding, and I did record the event (hope to upload sometime this week). He also asked me to have the 212th go to one of the hangar bays to do some 'paratrooper training' with a LAAT. I told my battalion to /comms rp paratrooper training while the Sith engagement happened. The reason for this? So the Sith Cult Leader had an actual way to escape besides just doing '/me escapes' bullshit. Unbeknownst to the 212th, when the time came the sith cult leader dashed from the overlook deck onto the hangar bay, and stole the LAAT right under the 212th's nose, effectively escaping. THAT is how you do a proper escape.


These events have good story, structure, control, roleplay, and action. Punda's events should never be in question as time and time again he has proven with the high quality of his events that he is one of the best, if not the best at creating events. All game masters should look up to Punda as the GM Rolemodel.

+1 - MAJ Oddball

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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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