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Neptune - Forgotten Warriors


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Name: Neptune

Who helped (If applicable): Hades, Harte, Blur

Event Name: Forgotten Warriors

Summary of the story: A clan of people were exiled a long time ago by Darth Jadus and we're launched into space. The remains of them were affected by the rocks that were used and turned into eating zombies. The rocks started pounding the republic fleet which caused one of the ships to fall. A Naval operator was brought to the medbay but was already infected with radiation and a large dose of the infection that caused the people to turn into zombies. Two ancient warriors managed to steal weapons from Jadus that protected themselves from the infection which resulted them in being turned to stone for quite some while but not turned, upon crash landing, the spell that caused them to turn into stone turned them back to normal. Troopers began to kill the infected people along with destroying the meteors. The two warriors started to fight the troopers which resulted in one of them dying but the last one was taken to the jedi temple

What was the result of the event?: The warrior was taken to the jedi temple and was questioned.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both




Hi, I'm Neptune

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The enemies presented during the event were simplistic, had no variation, no creative placement, and were trivial threats to deal with. All of these areas need improvement for future implementation of a bio-weapon based enemy. Consider additional varieties of the zombies, and placing them in ways that don't cause them to be stuck in the giant rocks they spawned from.

Halting the progress of troopers via propblocking is uncreative. Consider more fun and engaging methods like skill checking. It should never be ones that require troopers to expend resources one would use in combat. My squad's progress was halted by a giant rock twice. We determined the only way of bypassing was explosives. We exhausted all of our non-immersion breaking explosives on the first rock, and only our integrity stopped us from killing ourselves to restock our rockets.

The status updates of my event lead were ignored the entire event. Difficulty keeping up with the chat logs as game master can be arduous, but to the extent me and my squad experienced is unacceptable. Many important pieces of information like the clearing of outposts and the discovery of RP characters in the event were largely ignored. In the future, be more observant of advert chat.

It can be difficult to extend RP to the general populace of players, but RP during this event was highly exclusive. Jedi are the only characters that had a meaningful interactions with the RP My squad stood witness to a conversation between a Jedi and two sith with no opportunities for meaningful interaction.

Putting the entire server on wait for the jedi to finish was a bad move. Don't improve the experience of a few in expense of the many. Do everything within your power to prevent this in the future.

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