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Scribbles - Meteorite Recovery


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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): 

Event Name: Meteorite Recovery

Summary of the story: The republic had gotten word of a meteroite landing near anaxes, that the CIS had picked up on. They had sent infiltrators to see if the republic had caught wind of it, they did. So in t he midst of their breifing they had tapped into the security and breached their info. Stealing alot of data as it was unprotected. The security alert within anaxes had been tripped and that put the base on high alert. However the infiltrators had exposed themselves at the wrong time, which got them destroyed. It turns out they had a secretive operation based in one of the caves, it was not the republics time to infiltrate themselves. They had a little hiccups getting in but managed to anyway, finding the info. However due to impatient troopers the infiltrators were caught after the info had been downloaded. Once the info was plugged into a republic terminal, the trajectory of the meteor had been calculated. resulting in commando droid security forces being sent to secure the base from granite, as granite was the CIS FOB. Upon clearing out the droid forces, they had discovered the metor had caused a crater, what lied inside was a creature of unknown species, the republic was unsure what it wanted.

What was the result of the event?:  It turns out the species only wanted to go home, and build a ship. However they were supplying the species with a ship themselves. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying Shootemup

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