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Punda's Space Station Event


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Name: Punda

Event Name: The Space Station

Summary of the story: The Venator was in the same sector as a space station, the space station docked itself outside of hangar 1, the troops were free to roam the station but then a CIS fleet came out of hyperspace and attacked the station, the clones stood their ground using the stations batteries but could not withstand the invasion of the CIS. The Space Station was blown out of the sky, and eventually the clones and jedi drove the CIS away and made them retreat

What was the result of the event?: Republic victory

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both

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Another great event by Punda. This guy spends ridiculous amounts of time providing the server high quality events, pumping one great event after another. He also has great control over them and ensures the event is never ruined. Punda is a Game master genius. He made an extensive dupe for a space station with 4 levels and good amount of exploration/roleplay potential. The event was intense and had bountiful amounts of Roleplay. I personally passive RP'd as Oddball leading a group of republic fighters to try to protect the space station that was under attack, while everyone else had their shooting fix while fighting starfighters and droids. Everyone had fun and everyone did a great job.


I can't even imagine the power Punda's events will have on the event server...


+1 You beautiful being.

- MAJ Oddball

Edited by Jagger
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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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