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Maverick's Staff Application


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RP Name:
TR 187th EOD CSM Maverick

Steam ID:



CT (Central Time)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (sentence minimum):
I personally want to be an administrator because I want to help the community in anyway that I can. Mainly, I would want to help the community and the server grow into a bigger community for gaming. Whether through training cc’s or being there for people who are confused or struggling with how to play. Typically, I am on the server basically every night for 1-3 hours and on the weekends I'm on a lot longer. However, I'm always in teamspeak at some point in the day talking to people. I feel that if I become a staff member, I can help the community at night where not many staff members are on. I can pull someone from the moonpool or whitelist someone. That way our community and the server will grow exponentially like it is now. I have so much fun on the server every time I load on. I want people to have as much fun as I do.
Tell us a little bit about yourself (sentence minimum):
My name is Ryan and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I am huge sports fan and a very loyal and friendly person. I generally for the past 6-9 years played sports video games. I love watching YouTube and the reason why I got into Gmod was mainly impart of Ryan Team Epiphany. Now I'm no fanboy, but watching his streams of SWRP made me laugh a lot and the people in the community made me laugh a lot too. I purchased Gmod not hoping to meet him, but to meet a community that he has. I've been playing Gmod for probably 3 months and I've been on this server for probably a month and a half possibly, but it is so much fun for me.
Do you have any previous staff experiences?
I have really no staff experience but there is always somewhere to start.

If you have any questions or any problems with my application, please tell me so I can change what needs to be changed.

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