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SOBDE Vau To Return


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Name: Boutineer

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah

Event Name: SOBDE Vau to Return

Summary of the story: Walon Vau, trainer of Delta Squad becomes a newly found target for the Deathwatch as they decide to take him hostage. They begin to start the trial for treason since he trained clones in the Mando fashion. As he was not born on the native planet, but served as a soldier for mandalore he was to keep their secrets safe. Having encountered multiple samples of the battle and survival tactics of Delta Squad he is being threatened with either Death or Banishment. Will SOBDE be able to save their Cuy'val Dar in time.

What was the result of the event?: Delta Cleared one side while the rest took the pre viszla hostage As they saved vau and defended him through the entire mission. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.



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